Millions of people are injured in motor vehicle accidents in the United States annually. The vast majority of these injuries are non-lethal, but they can still be serious and life-altering. Some of the most serious injuries seen by personal injury attorneys across America are: Traumatic brain injury Spinal cord trauma Amputation injuries Scarring and disfigurement […]
How to Drive in Rainy Weather
Some places in the U.S. are seeing wet, rainy weather this month. With all those rainy days in the extended forecast, it’s a good time to remind yourself of wet-weather driving safety tips to prevent motor vehicle accidents. According to AAA, wet pavement is a contributing factor in about 1.2 million traffic accidents each year. […]
Preventing Deadly Injuries in a Motor Vehicle Accident
Deadly car accidents occur every day. While motor vehicles have gotten safer, there may be no way to totally eliminate the possibility of fatal auto accidents. You can reduce your risk of fatal injuries in a crash: Wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts are absolutely critical to reducing the severity of injury in a wreck. According to […]
Why Filing a Car Accident Police Report Is So Important
One of the biggest questions that people find themselves facing when they have gotten into a car accident is whether or not to call the police. There are many reasons for not involving the authorities. Some feel that the accident isn’t serious enough to warrant their involvement, and for some, there is hesitation because someone […]
5 Critical Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Accident
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there will be approximately 31 million visits to an emergency room in the United States due to an unintentional injury this year. Second only to falls, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of emergency room visits. Of the 31 million emergency room visits, more than 4 […]