ATV Injury Lawyers
During the 1970’s All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) were introduced to consumers as vehicles that could be used for work or play. The 3 or 4 wheeled gas-powered vehicles are intended to be ridden off-road, making them especially useful for agricultural settings, wooded areas and as maneuverable vehicles in rescue operations.
Although ATV’s are intended for use by people over the age of 16, many children under that age ride them without an adult. Each year many people, including children, are injured and even killed while operating All Terrain Vehicles. The following are ATV statistics for the United States:
- 35% of all ATV-related deaths occur to children under the age of 16
- ATV-related injuries that warranted emergency room visits have gone up 100% in a recent five year period
- Head and neck injuries were associated with approximately 70% of fatal ATV injuries to people under the age of 19
Children aged 16 and under are the most likely to become injured while operating ATV’s. An average sized ATV weighs as much as 1,000 pounds and can travel at speeds of up to 75 miles per hour. In many states a license and ATV training are not necessary. Also, many states do not have an age requirement.
Serious physical injury may result following an ATV-related accident, many times with the victim requiring emergency medical attention. An experienced ATV accident injury attorney may be able to recover monetary compensation for your injuries, including, pain and suffering, medical costs, ATV repairs, loss of wages, and other relevant compensation.
If you or a loved one has suffered damages as a result of an ATV accident, you should seek the advice of a qualified ATV accident lawyer.